Profile PictureTrung Dao

The Early Riser

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The Early Riser

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This is the tried-and-true method I use to tackle the mornings with laser-like precision, even if feel glued to my bed.

If you’re frustrated hitting the snooze button every morning…

If your productivity in the morning leaves you feeling dreadful…

If you're Irritated by how long it takes to you get ready in the mornings... 

If your motivation from the night before evaporates when you hear the alarm…

If you're sick of dragging yourself around the house like a zombie every morning... 

If you immediately rush to your phone after waking up…

If you envy people who can get up early and stay productive... 

Then you’re going to need to hear what I put together for you!

I used to have to physically peel myself out of bed too.

I always wanted to wake up early.

I saw the benefits all over the internet.

I told myself that I’d give it a shot. 

I tried waking up early for a few days and it actually worked.

I felt my productivity skyrocket. 

My morning routine had grown to include meditation, journaling, and cold showers. 

This was supposed to be the next version of myself. 


After only a week, I went back to my old routine of sleeping in. 

My heart sank. 

I was confused why all of a sudden I couldn’t pull myself off the bed like before. 

I tried everything…

Splashed my face with water, put my phone across the room, set over 20 alarms, and took pictures of my toilet for an app to turn off my alarm.

I don't think there was much else I could have done. 

Can you relate?

Finally, a step-by-step process to becoming a productive morning person.

Imagine yourself:

Weaponizing a morning and nightly routine you can be confident in. 

Maximizing a full morning of uninterrupted productivity. 

Diving into your day headfirst with relentless intensity.

Following through on all the things on your to-do list right after rising. 

Being free from the paralyzing terror of being unable to move from your pillow. 

All while still getting the amount of sleep you need.

Let me show you a remarkable discovery instead of having you imagine it: the one that got me out of bed in the morning without a foggy head.

After months of snoozing my alarm…

I finally recognized the tragic mistake I was making…

As a productive and busy person, you know you don’t have the time to waste snoozing, sleeping in, or wasting hours of your morning on social media.

You wish you could just jump out of bed, ready to take on the world. 

Without sacrificing sleep. 

Without a tedious, time-consuming, and boring routine. 

Without the need for motivation to get things done. 

And without overthinking right when you wake up.

Even if you aren’t an early riser.

Even if you aren’t a self-improvement guru.

Introducing: The Early Riser: The Winner’s Edition

The Only System You’ll Ever Need To Reprogram Your Mind and Flourish Before Sunrise. 

Becoming an early riser…

Allows you to create structure within your routines. 

Motivates you to take on whatever the day throws at you with fierce determination. 

Helps you get a head start on the day while your rivals are still sleeping. 

You see - I’ve been called crazy for willingly choosing to wake up early. 

The result?

More complex creativity.

Sharper intention and drive to get things done.

A burning desire that overpowers any slump in motivation.


By making it impossible to not spring out of bed. 

And it’ll take no more than a month to fully install.

What You’ll Get Inside The Winner’s Edition

The Early Riser Guide

A no B.S 4-page guide. 

  • The foundations behind waking up early
  • The completely forgotten way to set yourself up for success
  • Guaranteed hacks to instantly improve your sleep
  • The one crucial point to not falling back asleep
  • Instantly usable secrets to spring yourself out of bed.

The Morning Champion Checklist

You’ll Uncover:

  • The surefire method to jump right into your productive morning.
  • The no-excuse strategy to plan your morning. 
  • The most efficient approach to getting ready for the day in under half an hour.

Proactive Planning

You’ll Uncover:

  • A proven nightly routine to help you evaluate your performance.
  • The essential tactic to set yourself up for success tomorrow
  • A time block to effectively schedule your time.
  • The Essentials Resource List to ensure preparation and remove procrastination.

100% Free of Charge!

I decided to make The Winner’s Edition of The Early Riser completely free. If you don’t like my guides or aren’t seeing progress, we’ll make sure to make things right and offer you a free consultation to see what’s going wrong. 

No questions asked!

About the Author

Hey, I’m Trung Dao. I’m 20 years old and used to suffer from self-image. 

Surprisingly, after four years of hard work, I was able to entirely flip this narrative despite once disliking where I was in life and having no idea what I genuinely wanted. 

An important part of my turnaround can be attributed to intentionally putting myself in an uncomfortable situation by getting up before sunrise. 

If you stick around, I'll share all I discovered about getting up early over the course of four years.

Becoming an early riser puts to bed the #1 painful issue: The lack of purpose 

After reading everything about The Early Riser, you may still be hesitant. 

So, there are three choices you can make. 

Choice Number 1 is to not do anything and I know that’s not what you truly want because you’ll end up stuck in the same place with the same questions tomorrow.

Choice Number 2 will waste even more of your valuable time. It’s trying to come up with solutions on your own. You see, the methods discussed took me years to develop and adjust. It took way too long. 

That leaves the only real choice for you is Choice Number 3, where you take a fast track to put to use the assets of four years of knowledge in a method that's both efficient and effective.

Change Your Trajectory Now. Click the "I Want This" button below to gain instant access.

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